Sunday 25 December 2011


starting last week ujian Allah bersilih ganti..firstly sy jatuh mase kt air terjun smp kena blk wt rawatan kt kelantan..i missed all my final week classes..but i'm still fine with that bcoz at least i can spend time with my family..

now i'm back to campus..last nite while enjoy watching cerekarama, i received call from my mom n she said my dad was admitted..Ya Allah i was the last person to know this news as my dad larang mom bgtaw sy..terkejut sgt2..rase mcm nk terus g kuantan but family ckp fokus exam, insya'Allah abah will be fine..

sy rasa masih kuat bila sy yg sakit tp sy xkuat bila ahli keluarga yg sakit..dari jauh sy utuskan doa tuk abah..semoga Allah kuatkan abah,cepat sembuh dan kembali sihat seperti biasa..amin

sy mesti kuat tuk ahli keluarga sy..Ya Allah sembuhkanlah abahku..aminnn..


Wednesday 7 December 2011


assalamualaikum..fuhhhh tiup habuk dlu..da berhabuk blogku ini..

i miss my blog damn much but well so many things occupied my life as i couldn't make myself free to drop by here..

yes honestly i have mountains of things to share..i had to face so many beautiful and scary moments during this evanescence..urghhhh..everythings crowded my mind..but thank Allah for the strenght..

that is life rite?

i'll update more afterwards ok..

spread love,

Sunday 16 October 2011



lets SMILE everyone..give the best shot!!heheh

Saturday 15 October 2011


lets think positive
lets act positive
lets heart be positive
lets speak positive

spread love,

Sunday 9 October 2011


it's already make me laugh even just look at the poster..rowan atkinson is a super duper jokester..FIVE STARS for this film..extremely amusing..action that filled with humor..i can say a brilliant humor not a stupid one..i chose a rite movie to watch even though this is my second choice actually..haha..nice to watch with the crowds in looking 4ward for this kind of movie..COME ON!!

Wednesday 5 October 2011


how's everyone?ceh tny mcm ramai je followers..haha..nk share jgk!
if u look at my entry's title CINTA ELYSA, ape yg anda bygkan..haha..actually that's my fav malay drama now..WHY?frakly to say i like FASHA SANDHA..any prob with that?I DON'T CARE AT ALL..

last two weeks, i attend a talk with wardina safiyyah n she shared her experience in the insdustry (hiburan)..yeah i am strongly that there is no benefit to simply admire any artist espeacilly yg tdk mengajak ke arah mendekatkan diri pada Allah..

from that, i was touched coz before this i was one of a big fan of industry hiburan i try my best to slower my self from ambil tahu psl artis2 dah even kat twitter pon i dah unfollow some of artists yg MELAMPAU..i afraid of ALLAH..

tp i rasa just minat dieorg berlakon ok la kot mcm i still minat fasha n tgk lakonan die tp setakat lakonan je la..AND I HAVE TO MAKE SURE THAT I WILL NOT TAKE HER AS MY IDOL..NO n NEVER!

p/s:layan je la cinta elysa tp jgn smp lalai:)


Sunday 2 October 2011



berkurun lama dah xupdate something here..well i'm not going to say i'm busy because the busiest people actually orang yg plg byk i rite??for this entry i don have nothing to share actually coz my life as university student went well even not so well i can say that.

starting this week onwards a bunch of assignments n presentation waiting and tomorrow actually i have a quiz but still i can steal my time to update is me!i can't focus on reading for a long time.i need a break!freaking me rite..each person has their own way of study so this is mine!!

lastly i just wanna say alhamdulillah for the life,health,family,frens n everything that i still have..always remenber every single thing come from Allah n He can take them back whenever He want so always be thankful and appreciate what we still have..Alhamdulillah..segala puji bagi Allah..

this entry ends here.

spread love,

Friday 23 September 2011


hidup sgt berharga TETAPI  jika kita tahu ape tujuan hidup kita..ramai ckp idup cuma skali so kite enjoy! ingat kita ada satu lg kehidupan yg mana kehidupan itu akan kekal selamanya.itu lah tujuan hidup kita sebenarnya untuk mencari bekal tuk dibawa kpd kehidupan yg seterusnya.

sentiasa ingat pada Maha Pencipta kerana hanya Dia yg berhak menentukan segalanya di dunia dan akhirat. carilah keredhaanNya.semoga kita beroleh kemenangan n kebahagiaan di dunia n akhirat.INSYA'ALLAH.



BORED!BORED!BORED!..usually what do you prefer to do to release ur boring?as the weekend arrived some of my frens in iium get excited n hepy especially for those who live near to the campus or around kl about students who live very far from kl LIKE ME?yeah i admit that i also hepy to wait for weekend coz i have no class or activity to attend.but how i supposed to enjoy my weekend when all my roomates are going home n they left me alone in our room.:(uwaaaa !!!now how i wish there's no weekend so everyone will stay in mahalah n go to class everyday..hahaha

honestly, i used to be in this situation since i was in secondary school as i was stayed in hostel nevertheless we were not allowed to go back home every weekend n have to stayed in the hostel but the feeling of boredom is always there. so i think it's not a big problem for me. that's what we call SACRIFICATION..rite???

it's just friday but bcoz of living alone in the room i feel that the time moves very slow.SIGH!..i have to do something to fullfil my day.yeah!!must!or else i just sitting on the chair looking at my lappy or lying on my bed trying to sleep..HAHAHA..

who else is having the same situation like me.control ourselves ok..actually we are stronger than who's always go back home.and for sure this boredom taught us to be PATIENT..ALLAH always with us n by remenbring HIM we are not alone..:)

spread love,

Wednesday 14 September 2011



sbg manusia biasa ini lah sebahagian drpd perasaan yg akan kite rasai..namun ade sebahagian dr manusia merasai sesuatu yg lbh perit namun INGATLAH JGN PERNAH BERHENTI MEMANJATKAN DOA KPD ALLAH..DIA  sentiasa menanti doa-doa hambaNYA..doakan kesejahteraan sume manusia..

dlm keadaan diriku sekarang hanya padaMU ku serahkan harapan bersujud memohon keampunan dan kesembuhan..sembuhkan aku dan semua org yg sedang berjuang melawan setiap penyakit yg dihidapi..AMIN

spread love,

Monday 12 September 2011


sepatutnya kelas ari ni pkl 2 ptg tp sbb satu subjek minor xdpt add ari tu coz section closed sy dgn tanpa relanya bgn awl pg n dlm kul 9 da gerak pegi INSTED sbb nk settle kan hal ni..igtkan xde la ambil masa lame sgt ropenye byk lah plk keje..haih..kena isi borang bagai ambek sign lecturer n dean lg..ermmm..actually it's not first time la kan every sem pon mcm ni..(ntah merunngut kalah new student)hahah!

da settle isi nama kat borg nk add subjek tgk2 da nk dekat zuhur so ape lg surau la tempat lepak jwbnye..(rndu plk ngn surau)heeeee! tempat kami berehat,tido,berbual,solat..cantek!!

sume xsaba nk tggu kls pkl 2 sbb nama lecturer kiteorg pelik sgt n sah2 lah foreigner..uia xpelik kan sbb kami dipenuhi international lecturers,workers n students..xterkejut lgsg la klu nama lcturer mak aih berbelit2 nk as usual la awal2 ni tggu je lah dlm kls tp lecturer xkunjung tiba xde jodoh lg nk jmpa lecturer first day class end up juz like that.everyone senyum menuju ke mahalah msg2..

so what should i call for today??happy day?not too happy..sad day?no!i'm not sad at all..hermmmmm
WHATEVER!but i'm happy to meet my frens again..baru sikit bersembang td xpe geng nt kite bkk club lg keh..heheh:)

spread love,

Saturday 10 September 2011

kembali meneruskan PERJUANGAN!!

Alhamdulillah tanggal 11 September 2011 around 5.30a.m sy selamat tiba d uia tercinta tempatku menuntut ilmu..almost 2 months enjoy sem break,fasting month n aidilfitri at home now the journey as a student must go usual perasaan malas n sedih bercampur bila time nk meninggalkan umah.saat2 nk naek bas tu lg lah lbh2 lg bile naek bas sorg xde teman nk berborak.sedihnya bila bas da bergerak mata melilau2 looking for my family ma,abah n adik sbb nk bg lambaian terakhir.untung naek bas wktu mlm sbb xde la rasa nk nangis sgt sbb mata ni nk tertutup je keje..heheh

1st day at uiam..

mcm biasa lepak kat bilik tv sementara nk tggu mahalah ofis bkk nk amek room key.bile dah dpt ape lg time to angkut segala beg yg dibawa n terus menuju ke blok g.dgn beg laptop yg berat + beg pakaian yg semakin berat drpd time balik dulu slow2 panjat tgga ke level usual n da jd kebiasaan dah sbg ahli bilik yg tggl plg jauh sy lah org pertama yg rasmi bilik tercantik itu.dgn kaki kanan ku melangkah ke ruang kamarku.berhabuknye bilik!!ni lah plg mls nk dilakukan iaitu kemas bilik tu xbkk locker lg..jeng jeng jeng!!sy xterkejut pon sbb memg da taw keadaan dlm locker cmne coz before blk ari tu sy main campak je sume bnda dlm locker..hahahah!

so now back to the old besty dtg blk..sembang2 jap da time lunch..kami melangkah lah ke cafe smbil dok byg hermm jmpa lg abg cafe yg kami slalu gadoh tu..huhu..TAPI alamak eh cafe da berubah lah..susun atur sume laen gler meja makin byk wo..cashier pon org laen yg wat air pon org laen dah..nmpaknye cafe safiyah dah tukar tender rasenye.perkara pertama yg dicari adalah WHERE IS THE TV??cari pnylah cari tv xde!!!sedeh!xbest dah la nk hang out kat cafe lame2..ish3 xptt la xletak tv kat cafe..maybe blom letak lg kot..heeee

esok maybe kelas da start so get ready!!harapan tuk sem baru sbg pelajar thn kedua same je spt sem2 lps yg pntg perlu berusaha lbh gigih lg tuk kejayaan dlm pelajaran n sahsiah diri.semoga sem baru ni sy n rakan2 dpt mengharungi suka duka bersama lg.INSYA'ALLAH..

spread love,

Saturday 3 September 2011

cerita raya 2011


waduh rase lame sgt xjenguk blog ni..slps internet kat umah kena panah petir idopku dipenuhi dgn tgk tv aje..tgk cepatnye masa berlalu sedar2 dah nak msk raya ke-6..alahai cepatnye!!mcm ari tu baru raya pertama..

ape menarik raya ni???

jujurnya raya ni xsemeriah mane mungkin sbb ahli keluarga sy xcukiup thn ni..abg sulung xdpt pulang beraya kerana perlu bertugas almaklumlah anggota pdrm..berkorban demi xpe yg pntg duet raya die da bank in no hal la der..heeee

seigtnye mlm raya sri tu tido pkul 3pg sbb siapkan sume kerja iron sume bj satu family yg sorg 2 3 psg..lps tu abah suh isi duet raya dlm sampul..then kesian plk tgk my mom sorg2 kat dapur..thn ni menu kami nasi dagang dan nasi himpit kuah kacang letak daging..fuhhh..

mlm raya mcm biasa lah yg gegirl penat berpeluh2 yg beboy main mercun n tido..ape ade pikir..huh!!
pagi raya thn ni xdpt lg nk g solat raya sbb hehehe..sedih lah jgk..then, bila sume berkumpul jiran2 pon dtg..yg agak penat cket bile kanak2 berduyun2 dtg..mkn xnak duet raya cepatnye nak..sabo je lah..ade yg siap ckp "kakak bg lah lebih cket kakak kan dah kerja"..hamboiiiiiii!!

thn ni kami sekeluarga xbergambar pon sbb mcm xlengkap kan..xpe lah insya'Allah thn dpn lengkap kot..thn ni pon raya mcm kelam kabut sbb abah kena kerja plk pkl petang..saba lah sbb abah kerja kat tempat mcm raya first tu sempat lah pegi umah atuk jap nsb baek umah atuk dkt..umah mak cik2 yg laen smbg raya berikutnya..hermmmm

penat lah plk bercerita perihal raya ni..nt lah nak smbg be continued ya!!

spread love,

Saturday 20 August 2011



how's 20th Ramadhan??still strong to proceed..hehee..hopefully kita semua berjaya menjalankan ibadah puasa sehingga ke penghujungnya..insya' mst igt puasa bkn hny menahan lapar & dahaga yg penting menjaga hati, lidah n semuanya..semoga amal ibadah kita diterima Allah s.w.t..aminnn

ari ni abah ade berkongsi satu ilmu dgn kami sekeluarga..ilmu ini diperolehi sewaktu beliau mendengar kuliah subuh d masjid pagi td.abah kata ustaz menerangkan bahawa manusia kebanyakanyya lbh byk menjalankan yg sunnat berbanding yg wajib.

contoh yg diberi adalah membaca al-Quran..kebanyakan manusia begitu rajin membaca al-Quran smp khatam byk sebenarnya membaca al-Quran adalah sunnat tp mengamalkan apa yg disebut dlm al-Quran adalah WAJIB..jadinya sebanyak mana khatam membaca al-Quran pon tdk membawa apa2 seandainya tdk mengamalkan apa yg disuruh dlm al-Quran.

sejujurnya sy sndr sekadar membaca al-Quran dan alpa tuk mengetahui maksud ayat2 yg dibaca.ilmu adalah tuk pedoman bersama.semoga kita dpt sama2 meengubah diri kita ke arah kebaikan..insya'Allah..

spread love,

Thursday 18 August 2011



tuk entry kali ini sy nk share satu cerita yg bg sy sgt berguna dan akan lebih mengukuhkan lagi keyakinan kepada Maha Pencinta.sememangnya sebagai hambaNya kita tdk boleh sekali2 meragui akan kebesaran Allah.

abah bercerita kepada kami sekeluarga dlm kereta sewaktu dlm perjalanan ke bandar kb tuk membeli kelengkapan raya. abah berkongsi cerita tentang seorang sahabat yg menghidap stroke. sahabat ini mendengar bahawa dgn memberi sedekah yg ikhlas juga mampu meneyembuhkan penyakit yg dihidapi.disebabkan keyakinan sahabat kepada kuasa Allah die mula melakukan sedekah dgn menyembelih seekor lembu utk dijamu kpd org memerlukan.

setiap kali dia melakukan sembelihan,penyakitnya blom sembuh namun dia tetap tdk putus asa dan terus melakukan sedekah sehingga membawa kpd penyembelihan lembu yg ke 70 ekor. Alhamdulillah Allah Maha Berkuasa slps lembu ke 70 sahabat td sembuh dari penyakit stroke nya dan dia kembali sihat seperti sedia kala.

sebenarnya sifat sahabat yg sgt2 yakin kpd Allah telah memberikan dia ganjaran yg terbaik drpd Allah. igt lah bahawa setiap apa yg Allah firmankan tidak perlu diragui sama sekali.yakinlah akan keagungan dan kebesaran Allah.insya'Allah kita akan beroleh ganjaran daripadaNya.

setakat ini shj tuk entry drpd catatan si girl kali ini..

spread love,

Tuesday 16 August 2011



since i'm home for semester break i found that i always look forward for tuesday.u know why??coz there are many programmes on tv that made me stick to the's not excessive to say that i gonna be the remote controller on that wow wow.satu family dah masak dgn perangai sy coz it's already became my habit.hahaha

ok let me briefly tell all of u what is special about tuesday.ready!!!!

first n foremostmy favourite tv series 'THE VAMPIRE DIARIES'

and for sure i'm a kind of spectator who loves to watch a handsome n hot actor n guess what i already had a crush with one of the vampires in this series known as DAMON SALVATORE or his real name is IAN SOMERHALDER.he is a damn handsome guy.i love his eyes.i can imagine what can i do if he is in front of me now. here he is my one n only IAN SOMERHALDER..

now everyone can watch the vampire diaries on tv8 every tuesdat at 9.30p.m.

now lets move on to another favourite tv series on tuesday. it is 'GOSSIP GIRL'..sometimes this story made me sick with so many scandals n problems everywhere but if we look at the positive sides it is actually a good story to watch coz somehow it taught us about life,family,friendship n love..

and hahaha u might be asking which character i like most rite??yeah there are a lot of characters in this story but i always look forward to watch BLAKE LIVELY as SERENA VAN DER WOODSEN n CHASE CRAWFORD as NATE ARCHIBALD..take a look at their photo

and u can catch them on gossip girl every tuesday at 10.30p.m only on tv8..njoy watching!!

that's all from catatan si girl..i'll update latest story later..

spread love,
mynameisthirah..peace yaw!!x0x0

Monday 15 August 2011


petang 15 ramadhan nk jd jiwang la plk gara2 terdengar lagu stacy kisah dongeng. saya tertarik dgn lirik bahagian chorus nye :

                     mencintai aku dengan seadanya
                 mencintai aku bukan kerana rupa
                 dalam waktu sedu
                 dalam waktu hiba
                 ku harapkan dia rela
                 mencintai aku dengan seadanya
                 sanggup menerima insan tak sempurna
                 atau mungkin cinta sebegitu hanya
                 KISAH DONGENG saja

tersentuh la plk hati si girl dgr lagu ni sbb skang ni org bercinta sume nak yg perfect kita kena igt perempuan yg baik untuk lelaki yg baik begitulah sebaliknya yg penting carilah redha Allah dlm setiap perhubungan. biarlah kita xdipandang tggi oleh manusia tp sy nak dipandang mulia oleh Allah.

setakat ni lah entry jiwang catatan si girl..

spread love,

Saturday 13 August 2011



haaa sblom mata ni nk pejam,badan ni nak rehat meh la nk story mory cket psl family gathering tuk berbuka puasa ptg td.memg tradisi pon every year kiteorg akan ade 1 atau 2 hari dlm bln ramadhan tuk buka puasa ramai2.ari ni kebetulan nenek n atok pny turn masak tuk masjid so they decided to make this masak2 tuk family skali.makanya wpon family xlengkap sgt tp rumah still penuh.

menunya??ala makanan kampung je (my favourite)..ade ayam msk kurma kegemaran sume lah,sambal ayam,ikan siakap n kerabu pe ntah.kami makan bersila ramai n dibahagi 3..kaum bapa2,kaum ibu2,n yg bujang terang tang2 (sy ler tu)heeee

kami sekeluarga perangai gler2..smbil tggu azan mak2 sedara dah berpangkat mak org pon still dok maen usik2 mcm kanak2.kami saling kutuk mengutuk then gelak2..lucu lah tukang gelaknye..hahaha..disebabkan sy anak dara yg smp plg lewat seperti biasa lah dibuli oleh mak sedara dgn bsh pinggan..(alah small matter)..

alhamdulillah masakan dpt pujian dan sudah semestinya gandingan mantap air tgn my mom n graandma..2 org ni je pakar sebenarnye..yg lain pakar makan bole la..(including me)..n masa ni jgk lah sempat nk main ngn sepupu2 kecilku yg comel2 n nakal hanya Allah yg taw.suara masyaAllah kuat ngn xdok diam.pusing!!rumah bersepah lg hebat dr kapal pecah.but what should i say??budak2 kan ape dieorg kesah..gelak2 jap dgr sorg nangis pastu sorg lg tp ade dieorg stop.lg hebat main ade lah.

tp inilah kenikmatan bile bersama keluarga bsr kan..n this part of my family mungkin same dgn family kwn2 yg lain.yg pntg bersyukur lah ats nikmat yg diberikan n syangilah ikatan kekeluargaan ini..

that's all from catatan si girl tuk kali ni..

spread love,
mynameisthirah..hugs & kisses

Friday 12 August 2011


kalau dgr je ade sales sape yg plg gembira???org ckp kaum hawa la..dah lapok ah sebenarnya kaum adam pon lebih kurang je klu x wat pe depa berpusu2 dlm kedai uh..kan3???

nak dekat raya ni lg lah..kalau boleh satu mall tu nk borong..alkisah pagi td dlm kul 9pg my mom woke me up bunyi mcm ni " thirah,bgn la..xse g kbmall ko??"..mula2 sy dgn jual mahal nye wat muka cam pemalas yg xnak bgn.smp ma n adik ckp "xse g sudoh.tido lah"..tup2 ngn muka xberapa malu tny "ma nnk g kbmall je kan" tny mcm tu sbb family sy ni jenis suka pegi 2 3 la puasa2 ni da kbmall tu pon daa terlebih bsr dah bgku.

mula2 smp mcm tenang je xde org beb!..mula2 msk ma da terkam tgk handbag ade potongan smp 70% kot.biarkan ibu dgn handbagnye..tiba2 abah plk ckp meh tlg pilih handset kat abah nk tukar fon baru la..ptt pon tukar fon yg lame mcm siot je batteryn pon hermm mls ckp lah..pilih pny pilih belilah..alaa abah die bkn nak yg mahal ke canggih jnji bole guna..

then kami melagkah ke brands outlet..adik lelaki nak beli baju plk..wah lawa2 nye baju kat situ dah la murah2..kalu ikot hati ku borong sume tp bile tgk purse mimpi lah.reject shop pon sales..PDI pon sales..kedai kst lagi la berduyun2 manusia..kate ramai org miskin habes tu beli 2 3 beg sorg mane miskinnye??tp apa pon berigt2 lah beli yg perlu pon main2 sempat rembat 2 psg selipar sbb memg xde selipar nak pakai lah..

setakat ni lah dulu catatan si girl tuk 13 ramadhan ni..klu sempat nk p tgk mall lain plk ah..(mcm kaya sgt)..heeee

spread love,



alhamdulillah mlm ni dpt lg menunaikan solat sunnat tarawih bersama2 ahli keluarga..kat mane??mestilah solat d rumah..sudah beberapa thn abah decided to performe tarawih kat umah n he as imam..kami solat 8 rakaat je..yg penting solat kerana Allah.untuk thn ni kami solat berempat je abah,mam,me n kalau hujunng mggu adalah kazen yg dtg join solat skali n adik bongsu yg blk hujunng mggu pon kdg2 join (ikot mood die)..

nak dijadikan cerita, malam ni ramai plk kanak2 dtg nk solat.alhamdulillah..wpon agak berhimpit2 sikit tp itu xmenjadi halangan pon.lagi ramai lagi bgs kan.kite mengimarahkan solat tarawih.thn lepas mase di kampus, berapa hari je pegi solat tarawih,thn ni rugilah kan xslolat bukan kena jln kaki pon kat dlm umah sndr je.

selagi Allah bg kesihatan yg baik ni, kite jgn la mudah lupa diri plk.sentiasa lah igt pada Allah dan anggaplah ini ramadhan terakhir wt kita.mane taw kite xdpt bertemu lagi ramadhan pada mase akn dtg.

setakat ini dulu entry catatan si girl sblom off the light...

spread love,



alhamdulillah kite da smp ke 12 hari's fasting so far lagi diberi kekuatan utk meneruskan puasa..gembira yg xdpt diungkapkan dgn kata2 bile dpt berpuasa n bersahur ngn family xseperti thn lps dimana hanya sempat berpuasa bersama2 keluarga selama beberapa hari je..;( yeah my family members xcukup..abang xdpt balik raya pon xdpt blk..adik yg ade kat maktab akan blk 27hb nt..adik bongsu pon blk sekali seminggu je..tggal lah kami berempat..

hari ni apa menu berbuka???(tu je la yg taw kan)..setakat ari ni xberkesempatan lg nk menjenguk baazar..maybe dkt2 nk akhir ramadhan kot sbb so far ma still nk msk..n for sure air tgn ibu the best lah..even ma goreng telur pon best..

setakat la ni la dulu catatan si girl ye..nak menjenguk dapor jap berasap x..hahahaha..

spread love,

Wednesday 3 August 2011


Alhamdulillah i'm very thankful that i'm still alive to meet this ramadhan again..and i also hepy to see my new personal blog already here to accompany me..for the first entry i don't want to talk too much jz wanna say hepy fasting n hopefully this ramadhan will bring so many barakah to all of us..aminnn

spread love,